Looking for Eric
In this 2009 film directed by Ken Loach, the story follows Eric Bishop, a down-on-his-luck postman in Manchester who is struggling with personal and professional challenges. His life takes an unexpected turn when he begins to receive life advice from an unlikely source—his football idol, Eric Cantona, who appears to him in a series of surreal encounters. The film blends elements of drama and comedy, exploring themes of friendship, redemption, and the power of imagination. Notably, Eric Cantona stars as himself, adding a unique twist to the narrative. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Ken Loach
Actors: Eric Cantona, Gerard Kearns, John Henshaw, Justin Moorhouse, Lucy-Jo Hudson, Matthew McNulty, Smug Roberts, Stefan Gumbs, Stephanie Bishop, Steve Evets
Country: Belgium, France, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom
Company: Canto Bros., Sixteen Films, Why Not Productions
Worldwide Gross: $11,650,726