Long Life, Happiness & Prosperity
In this heartwarming Canadian film, a young girl named Mindy, played by Valerie Tian, embarks on a quest to improve her single mother’s life through the use of Taoist magic. The narrative weaves together themes of family, hope, and cultural identity, as Mindy’s well-intentioned spells lead to unexpected consequences. Directed by Mina Shum, the film offers a touching exploration of the bonds between mother and daughter, set against the backdrop of Vancouver’s vibrant multicultural community. The movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 2
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Family, Romance
Director: Mina Shum
Actors: Alannah Ong, Chang Tseng, Christina Ma, Colin Foo, Donald Fong, Ric Young, Russell Yuen, Sandra Oh, Tsai Chin, Tseng Chang, Valerie Tian
Country: Canada
Company: Chum Television, Massey Films, Shaftesbury Films