In this satirical film, a group of quirky individuals finds themselves entangled in “The War on Loneliness,” a government initiative aimed at curbing rising violence. Compelled to participate in a state-imposed group therapy session known as “Lone-Anon,” they are guided by a well-intentioned but ineffective therapist whose methods become increasingly absurd and futile. As these solitary characters become embroiled in a government conspiracy designed to prop up the failing program, they must navigate how to avoid becoming the next introverts captured by shadowy government agents. Ultimately, they confront their greatest fear by uniting to defend their right to solitude.
Views: 2
Genre: Comedy
Director: Eryc Tramonn
Actors: Brenda Davidson, Brian Letscher, David Christian Welborn, Keith Stevenson, Khary Payton, Melissa Paladino, Michael Monks, Neil McGowan, Stephen Tobolowsky, Tyson Turrou
Country: United States of America
Company: Loners Productions