Liza the Fox-Fairy
Set in 1970s Budapest, this whimsical dark comedy follows Liza, a lonely nurse who dreams of finding love but is convinced she is cursed to become a fox-fairy, a mythical creature that brings death to any man who falls for her. As a series of bizarre and fatal accidents befall her suitors, Liza’s life spirals into a surreal adventure filled with humor and mystery. The film, directed by Károly Ujj Mészáros, features standout performances from Mónika Balsai and Szabolcs Bede Fazekas. It has garnered critical acclaim for its unique blend of fantasy and romance, winning several awards at international film festivals. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Romance
Director: Károly Ujj Mészáros
Actors: Ági Gubík, Antal Cserna, Cserna Antal, David Sakurai, Gábor Reviczky, Győző Szabó, Kata Purt, Mónika Balsai, Piroska Molnár, Reviczky Gábor, Schmied Zoltán, Szabolcs Bede-Fazekas, Zoltán Schmied
Country: Hungary
Company: FilmTeam, FocusFox Studio, Origo Film Group
Worldwide Gross: $540,928