In this indie drama directed by Mike Ott, two Japanese siblings find themselves stranded in a small Californian town after their car breaks down. As they navigate the cultural and language barriers, the sister forms unexpected connections with the locals, leading to a poignant exploration of identity and belonging. The film stars Atsuko Okatsuka and Cory Zacharia, whose performances bring depth to this cross-cultural narrative. While the movie did not receive major awards, it was well-received for its authentic portrayal of human relationships. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama
Director: Mike Ott
Actors: Atsuko Okatsuka, Cory Zacharia, Ivy Khan, Kathleen Maressa, Lee Lynch, Markiss McFadden, Matthew Fling, Rintaro Sawamoto, Roberto 'Sanz' Sanchez, Ryan Dillon
Country: United States of America
Company: Small Form Films
Worldwide Gross: $17,309