Little Mermaid
Inspired by Hans Christian Andersen’s classic story, “Little Mermaid” follows the journey of a young mermaid named Rosie Mac, who leaves her underwater world to pursue a human, Michael Murray, whom she has admired from a distance. As she navigates this new life, she discovers that things are not as she expected and must carve out her own path. She finds work as a dancer at a club and is taken in by a compassionate stranger. To remain in her newfound existence, she makes a fresh pact with the sea witch.
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Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Romance
Director: Matt Martin, Roxie Blum
Actors: Amber Borzotra, Erin Marie Garrett, Gerardo Davila, Iggy Blanco, Lee Hudson, Matt Martin, Peter J. Calvin, Rosie Mac, Roxie Blum
Country: United States of America
Company: Indie Rights, Martin House Films