Little Manhattan
Set against the vibrant backdrop of New York City, this charming coming-of-age film follows the story of Gabe, a 10-year-old boy experiencing his first crush on his classmate, Rosemary. As Gabe navigates the complexities of young love, he learns valuable lessons about friendship, family, and growing up. The film stars Josh Hutcherson and Charlie Ray, whose performances capture the innocence and excitement of childhood romance. Directed by Mark Levin, the movie offers a heartfelt and humorous look at the trials and tribulations of adolescence. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Family, Romance
Director: Mark Levin
Actors: Bradley Whitford, Charlie Ray, Cynthia Nixon, J. Kyle Manzay, John Dossett, Jonah Meyerson, Josh Hutcherson, Josh Pais, Talia Balsam, Willie Garson
Country: United States of America
Company: Epsilon Motion Pictures, New Regency Productions, Pariah
Worldwide Gross: $1,254,005