Little Forest
In this heartwarming South Korean film, a young woman named Hye-won, played by Kim Tae-ri, returns to her rural hometown after facing challenges in the city. Seeking solace and a fresh start, she reconnects with nature and her childhood friends, portrayed by Ryu Jun-yeol and Jin Ki-joo. The narrative beautifully explores themes of self-discovery, healing, and the simple joys of life through the changing seasons. Directed by Soon-rye Yim, the film is a gentle reminder of the comfort found in familiar places and routines. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Soon-rye Yim
Actors: Jang Jae-hee, Jeon Guk-hyang, Jeon Sang-jin, Jin Ki-joo, Jun Guk-hyang, Jung Jun-won, Kim Tae-ri, Moon So-ri, Ok Su-boon, Park Won-sang, Ryu Jun-yeol
Country: South Korea
Company: Watermelon Pictures Co., Ltd.
Worldwide Gross: $9,942,250