Little Fish
Set in the vibrant yet gritty suburbs of Sydney, this film follows Tracy Heart, a recovering heroin addict, as she struggles to rebuild her life amidst the challenges of her past. The narrative delves into themes of redemption and familial bonds, with Cate Blanchett delivering a compelling performance as Tracy. The film also features notable performances by Hugo Weaving and Sam Neill, adding depth to its complex characters. Directed by Rowan Woods, the movie offers a raw and realistic portrayal of addiction and its impact on relationships. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Rowan Woods
Actors: Cate Blanchett, Dustin Nguyen, Hugo Weaving, Joel Tobeck, Lisa McCune, Martin Henderson, Nina Liu, Noni Hazlehurst, Sam Neill, Susie Porter
Country: Australia
Company: Australian Film Finance Corporation (AFFC), Mullis Capital Independent, Porchlight Films
Worldwide Gross: $3,248,506