Little Evil
In this horror-comedy film, a newlywed named Gary, played by Adam Scott, begins to suspect that his stepson Lucas might be the Antichrist. As Gary navigates the challenges of his new family life, he encounters a series of bizarre and supernatural events that lead him to question his reality. The movie is directed by Eli Craig, known for blending humor with horror elements. It also stars Evangeline Lilly as Gary’s wife, Samantha. For those interested, the film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Horror
Director: Eli Craig
Actors: Adam Scott, Bridget Everett, Chris D'Elia, Clancy Brown, Donald Faison, Evangeline Lilly, Kyle Bornheimer, Owen Atlas, Sally Field, Tyler Labine
Country: United States of America
Company: Bluegrass Films, Mandalay Pictures