Liberty Stands Still
In this tense thriller directed by Kari Skogland, the story unfolds around Liberty Wallace, played by Linda Fiorentino, who finds herself trapped in a deadly game orchestrated by a mysterious sniper, portrayed by Wesley Snipes. As the narrative progresses, Liberty is forced to confront her past and the consequences of her actions in the arms industry. The film explores themes of morality and accountability, set against a backdrop of suspense and high stakes. While it may not have garnered any major awards, the performances and gripping storyline make it a noteworthy watch. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller
Director: Kari Skogland
Actors: Chiara Ohoven, Gregory Calpakis, Hart Bochner, Hilda van der Meulen, Linda Fiorentino, Oliver Platt, Rekha Sharma, Tanya Allen, Terry Chen, Wesley Snipes
Company: Cinerenta Medienbeteiligungs KG, Lions Gate Films, Lionsgate, Lionsgate Films, Pearl Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $595,214