Letters to God
In this heartfelt drama directed by David Nixon, the story follows an inspiring young boy named Tyler, who, while battling cancer, writes letters addressed to God. These letters end up in the hands of a postman struggling with his own personal issues, leading to a transformative journey for both. The film stars Tanner Maguire and Jeffrey Johnson, delivering poignant performances that explore themes of faith, hope, and the impact of one child’s unwavering spirit. While the movie did not receive any major awards, it has touched audiences with its emotional depth and message. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Director: David Nixon, Patrick Doughtie
Actors: Bailee Madison, Cris Cunningham, Dennis Neal, Jeffrey Johnson, L. Derek Leonidoff, Maree Cheatham, Michael Bolten, Ralph Waite, Robyn Lively, Tanner Maguire
Country: United States of America
Company: Mercy Creek Entertainment, Possibility Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $3,269,546