Les hommes libres
Set in Paris during the Second World War, this film follows an Algerian immigrant who, through an unforeseen friendship with a Jewish individual, finds the motivation to become part of the resistance movement. The story draws from lesser-known historical events involving the Muslim community in Paris at the time, highlighting the significant contributions of the Paris Mosque and its influential leader in aiding the resistance and saving Jewish lives.
Views: 3
Genre: Drama, History, Romance, War
Director: Ismaël Ferroukhi
Actors: Bruno Fleury, Christopher Buchholz, Farid Larbi, François Delaive, Lubna Azabal, Mahmoud Shalaby, Michael Lonsdale, Noureddine Souli, Stéphane Rideau, Tahar Rahim
Country: France
Company: France 3 Cinéma, Pyramide Productions, Solaire Production
Worldwide Gross: $1,192,651