Les Cowboys
In this gripping drama, a French family is thrown into turmoil when their teenage daughter mysteriously disappears during a country-western festival. The father, played by François Damiens, embarks on a relentless quest across Europe and beyond, driven by a desperate need to find her. Directed by Thomas Bidegain, the film explores themes of cultural identity and familial bonds against a backdrop of global events. The movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Genre: Drama, Thriller, Western
Director: Thomas Bidegain
Actors: Agathe Dronne, Antoine Chappey, Djemel Barek, Ellora Torchia, Finnegan Oldfield, François Damiens, Iliana Zabeth, Leïla Saadali, Maxim Driesen, Mounir Margoum
Company: France 2 Cinéma, Pathé, Trésor Films
Worldwide Gross: $1,302,493