Leon Must Die
Leon, a young man in his mid-twenties facing a terminal illness, creates a groundbreaking technology that digitizes his consciousness, granting him eternal life. However, this invention poses a threat to humanity’s future. In response, Aqua, a freedom fighter from the future, journeys back in time with the mission to eliminate him. As their paths cross, they unexpectedly fall in love, leading to a series of tumultuous events.
Views: 3
Genre: Comedy, Romance, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Lars Henriks
Actors: Alexander F. Obe, Christoph Hars, Dustin Leitol, Ebba Ekholm, Jens Holzheuer, Nisan Arikan, Philip Spreen, Viktoria Steiber
Country: Germany
Company: Obsessive Filmmakers, Radikal & Arrogant