Last Flag Flying
In this poignant drama directed by Richard Linklater, three Vietnam War veterans reunite after decades apart when one of them, played by Steve Carell, seeks support following the death of his son in the Iraq War. The film explores themes of friendship, loss, and the passage of time as the trio embarks on a road trip to honor the young soldier’s memory. Bryan Cranston and Laurence Fishburne deliver compelling performances alongside Carell, adding depth to this reflective narrative. While the film did not receive major awards, it is noted for its thoughtful examination of the impact of war on personal lives. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Richard Linklater
Actors: Bryan Cranston, Cicely Tyson, Deanna Reed-Foster, Dontez James, Graham Wolfe, J. Quinton Johnson, Jeff Monahan, Kate Easton, Laurence Fishburne, Lee Harrington, Richard Robichaux, Steve Carell, Tammy Tsai, Yul Vazquez
Country: United States of America
Company: Amazon Studios, Big Indie Pictures, Cinetic Media
Worldwide Gross: $1,872,950