Las elegidas
Set in the vibrant yet gritty backdrop of Tijuana, this 2015 film by David Pablos delves into the harrowing world of human trafficking through the eyes of a young couple. The narrative follows Sofia and Ulises as they navigate the complexities of love and family obligations, ultimately leading them into a dark underworld. The film is noted for its raw and poignant portrayal of difficult themes, earning critical acclaim for its unflinching storytelling and powerful performances. While it did not receive major awards, it was celebrated at various film festivals for its impactful narrative. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama
Director: David Pablos
Actors: Alicia Quiñonez, Edward Coward, José Santillán Cabuto, Leidi Gutiérrez, Nancy Talamantes, Óscar Torres, Raquel Presa
Company: Canana Films, Manny Films, Televisa