Lake Placid 3
In this 2010 horror thriller directed by Griff Furst, the tranquil setting of a small lakeside town is disrupted by the emergence of deadly crocodiles. As the reptiles grow in size and number, the local residents, including stars like Colin Ferguson and Yancy Butler, must band together to survive the terrifying threat. The film combines suspense and action, offering a continuation of the creature-feature saga. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Horror, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction, Thriller
Director: Griff Furst
Actors: Bianca Ilich, Brian Landon, Colin Ferguson, John Laskowski, Kacey Clarke, Kirsty Mitchell, Mark Evans, Michael Ironside, Nils Hognestad, Yancy Butler
Country: Bulgaria, United States of America
Company: RCR Media Group, Stage 6 Films, UFO Films