Lady and the Tramp
In this 2019 live-action adaptation directed by Charlie Bean, a pampered cocker spaniel named Lady finds herself on an unexpected adventure with a street-smart mutt known as Tramp. Set against the backdrop of a charming, early 20th-century American town, the film explores themes of love, friendship, and the clash between different worlds. Featuring the voices of Tessa Thompson and Justin Theroux, the movie brings a beloved classic to life with a modern twist. While it hasn’t garnered any major awards, it offers a nostalgic experience for both new audiences and fans of the original. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 8
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Family, Romance
Director: Charlie Bean
Actors: Adrian Martinez, Arturo Castro, Ashley Jensen, Benedict Wong, Janelle Monáe, Justin Theroux, Kiersey Clemons, Tessa Thompson, Thomas Mann, Yvette Nicole Brown
Country: Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Taylor Made, The Walt Disney Company, Walt Disney Pictures