La passion d’Augustine
Set in the 1960s, this film explores the challenges faced by a convent school for girls in rural Quebec as it grapples with societal changes and the looming threat of closure. The story centers around Mother Augustine, a dedicated and passionate nun who is determined to keep the school open, especially for its talented music students. The film features a compelling performance by Céline Bonnier in the lead role. Directed by Léa Pool, it won several Canadian Screen Awards, including Best Motion Picture. For those interested, the movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Genre: Drama
Director: Léa Pool
Actors: Andrée Lachapelle, Anne-Élisabeth Bossé, Céline Bonnier, Diane Lavallée, Lysandre Ménard, Marie Tifo, Marie-France Lambert, Maude Guérin, Pierrette Robitaille, Valérie Blais
Country: Canada
Company: 9211-9759 Quebec, Lyla Films
Worldwide Gross: $133,929