Kung Fu Monster
In the final years of the Ming Dynasty, the Bruneian Empire presents a unique animal to the nation as a token of goodwill. Ocean, an agent of the Imperial Secret Police, is assigned the duty of training this creature. Despite its intimidating exterior, Ocean realizes that the creature is inherently gentle. Unwilling to transform it into a weapon of war, Ocean discreetly sets the creature free and escapes with Frigid, whose father was wrongfully executed.
Views: 2
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Director: Wai Keung Lau
Actors: Alex Fong, Alex Fong Chung-Sun, Bao Bei Er, Bea Hayden Kuo, Chen Xuedong, Fiona Sit, Fiona Sit Hoi-Kei, Ken Lo, Ken Lo Wai-Kwong, Louis Koo, Sam Lee, Wu Yue, Yue Wu, Zhou Dongyu
Company: Bona Film Group, Media Asia Films
Worldwide Gross: $11,576,368