In this enigmatic realm, a being known as Kuiba is resurrected every 333 years. Kuiba exploits a cosmic loophole, causing devastation whenever it emerges. To prevent its return, gods and humans from around the globe unite to annihilate the creature in an event called “The Revival of Kuiba.” In 1664, during Kuiba’s resurgence, the attempt to destroy it failed, as Kuiba managed to inhabit the body of a young boy named Manji. Unaware of Kuiba’s presence within him, Manji becomes part of a global effort to assemble an army to defeat the creature. Eager to demonstrate their prowess, Manji and his Master join the ranks to combat Kuiba. As they gear up for the impending battle, they not only meet a host of intriguing characters but also face a formidable beast that will test their readiness for the challenges that lie ahead.
Genre: Adventure, Animation, Drama, Fantasy
Director: Wang Chuan
Actors: Ji Guanlin, Jiang Guangtao, Kai Wang, Lihong Li, Seira Ryu, Zhang Lei, 姜广涛, 季冠霖
Country: China
Company: Vasoon Animation