Krampus Origins
During the tumult of the First World War, a band of American soldiers stumbles upon a peculiar relic capable of awakening the ancient malevolence known as the Krampus. Following the soldiers’ demise in combat, the artifact is dispatched to the widow of their commanding officer, who works as a teacher at a modest orphanage in a small town. The orphans inadvertently unleash the Krampus, compelling the teacher and her charges to confront this age-old menace.
Views: 22
Director: Joseph Mbah
Actors: Amelia Haberman, Anna Harr, Ethan Drew, Katie Peabody, Linda Cushma, Luke Waxman, Maria Olsen, Michael Harrelson, Noah Clark, Shannyn Hall
Country: United States of America
Company: FunHouse Features, Paradox Universe