Knocked Up
In this 2007 comedy directed by Judd Apatow, a one-night stand between a slacker and an ambitious career woman leads to an unexpected pregnancy, forcing them to navigate the complexities of impending parenthood. The film stars Seth Rogen and Katherine Heigl, whose chemistry brings humor and heart to the story. Known for its blend of raunchy humor and genuine emotion, the movie explores themes of responsibility and relationships. While it didn’t win major awards, it was well-received for its witty script and relatable characters. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Judd Apatow
Actors: Charlyne Yi, Iris Apatow, Jason Segel, Jay Baruchel, Jonah Hill, Katherine Heigl, Leslie Mann, Martin Starr, Paul Rudd, Seth Rogen
Country: United States of America
Company: Apatow Productions, Universal Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $219,922,417