Set in contemporary Poland, this film delves into the lives of three Catholic priests, each grappling with personal and professional challenges that test their faith and morality. The narrative weaves through their interconnected stories, revealing the complexities and contradictions within the Church. Directed by Wojciech Smarzowski, the movie features compelling performances from stars such as Arkadiusz Jakubik, Robert Więckiewicz, and Jacek Braciak. While it stirred significant discussion upon release, it did not receive major international awards. For those interested, the film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Drama
Director: Wojciech Smarzowski
Actors: Adrian Zaremba, Arkadiusz Jakubik, Ignacy Klim, Jacek Braciak, Janusz Gajos, Joanna Kulig, Katarzyna Chlebny, Magdalena Celówna-Janikowska, Michał Gadomski, Robert Więckiewicz
Country: Poland
Company: Moderator Inwestycje, Profil Film, Showmax
Worldwide Gross: $30,114,115