Kingdom: Ashin of the North
Set in the rich and intricate world of the Kingdom series, this 2021 film delves into the backstory of Ashin, a mysterious character whose actions have far-reaching consequences. The narrative explores themes of vengeance and survival against the backdrop of a zombie-infested Joseon era, offering a gripping tale of loss and resilience. Starring Jun Ji-hyun, the film is directed by Kim Seong-hun, known for his adept storytelling and atmospheric direction. While it hasn’t garnered any major awards, it stands out for its intense performances and stunning cinematography. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 2
Genre: Action, Drama, Fantasy, Thriller
Director: Kim Seong-hun
Actors: Han Sung-soo, Ji Hyun-jun, Jun Ji-hyun, Jung Suk-won, Kim Dam-ho, Kim Dan-ho, Kim Roi-ha, Kim Si-a, Koo Kyo-hwan, Kwon Beom-taek, Kwon Bum-Taek, Park Byung-eun
Country: South Korea
Company: AStory, BA Entertainment, Baram Pictures