King Cobra
In this gripping drama, the film delves into the dark and competitive world of the adult entertainment industry, focusing on the rise of a young performer and the ensuing power struggle between two producers. The movie features notable performances by James Franco and Christian Slater, who bring depth to their complex characters. Directed by Justin Kelly, the film is inspired by true events, adding an intriguing layer to its narrative. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 7
Director: Justin Kelly
Actors: Alicia Silverstone, Christian Slater, Edward Crawford, Garrett Clayton, James Franco, Keegan Allen, Molly Ringwald, Rosemary Howard, Sean Grandillo, Spencer Lofranco, Spencer Rocco Lofranco
Country: United States of America
Company: Rabbit Bandini Productions, RabbitBandini Productions, SSS Entertainment, Yale Productions
Worldwide Gross: $81,757