Kim Possible
Teenage heroine Kim Possible, along with her loyal friend Ron Stoppable, begins her first year of high school while continuing to thwart nefarious villains. Although Kim and Ron have consistently outsmarted their adversaries, dealing with the complexities of high school social life proves to be more daunting than the young action hero anticipated. With the threat of Drakken and Shego looming, Kim must depend on her family and Team Possible—comprising Ron, tech whiz Wade, new ally Athena, and Rufus, the Naked mole-rat.
Views: 2
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Family, TV Movie
Director: Adam B. Stein, Zach Lipovsky
Actors: Alyson Hannigan, Ciara Riley Wilson, Connie Ray, Erika Tham, Issac Ryan Brown, Maxwell Simkins, Sadie Stanley, Sean Giambrone, Taylor Ortega, Todd Stashwick
Country: Canada, Germany, United States of America
Company: Disney Enterprises, Omnifilm Entertainment