Kill The Messenger
In this gripping drama directed by Michael Cuesta, Jeremy Renner stars as journalist Gary Webb, who uncovers a shocking conspiracy involving the CIA and Nicaraguan contras. As Webb delves deeper into his investigation, he faces intense pressure and backlash from powerful entities determined to silence him. The film explores themes of truth, power, and the personal cost of pursuing justice. While it did not receive major awards, Renner’s performance was widely praised. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Biography, Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Michael Cuesta
Actors: Andy GarcĂa, Jeremy Renner, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Michael Kenneth Williams, Michael Sheen, Paz Vega, Ray Liotta, Robert Patrick, Rosemarie DeWitt, Tim Blake Nelson
Country: United States of America
Company: Bluegrass Films, Sierra / Affinity, The Combine
Worldwide Gross: $5,218,973