Kill for Me
In this suspenseful thriller directed by Michael Greenspan, two college roommates, Amanda and Hailey, find themselves entangled in a dangerous pact after both experience traumatic events involving men in their lives. As they navigate their newfound bond, the tension escalates, leading to unforeseen consequences. The film stars Katie Cassidy and Tracy Spiridakos, who deliver compelling performances as the lead characters. While the movie did not receive any notable awards, it offers an intriguing exploration of trust and revenge. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Michael Greenspan
Actors: Adam DiMarco, Chelah Horsdal, Colin Lawrence, Donal Logue, Katie Cassidy, Leah Gibson, Ryan Robbins, Shannon Chan-Kent, Torrance Coombs, Tracy Spiridakos
Country: Canada
Company: Independent Edge Films