Kamikaze Girls
In this vibrant and quirky film directed by Tetsuya Nakashima, the story follows the unlikely friendship between two contrasting characters: Momoko, a dreamy girl obsessed with Rococo fashion, and Ichigo, a tough biker girl. Set in rural Japan, the narrative explores themes of individuality and friendship as the two girls embark on a series of adventures that challenge their perceptions of life and each other. The film stars Kyoko Fukada and Anna Tsuchiya, whose performances bring depth and humor to their roles. Notably, the movie has gained a cult following for its unique style and humor. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 2
Genre: Comedy
Director: Tetsuya Nakashima
Actors: Anna Tsuchiya, Eiko Koike, Hiroyuki Miyasako, Katsuhisa Namase, Kyoko Fukada, Namase Katsuhisa, Ryoko Shinohara, Sadawo Abe, Shin Yazawa, Yoshinori Okada, Yoshiyoshi Arakawa
Country: Japan
Company: Amuse Pictures, Hakuhodo DY Media Partners, Hori Production
Worldwide Gross: $5,290,748