Just the Wind
Set against the backdrop of a rural Hungarian village, this film follows a Romani family as they navigate a day filled with tension and uncertainty after a series of racially motivated attacks. The narrative unfolds through the perspectives of different family members, capturing their fears and hopes amidst an atmosphere of pervasive threat. Directed by Benedek Fliegauf, the film was recognized at the Berlin International Film Festival, where it won the Jury Grand Prix. Notably, the film’s raw and realistic portrayal of its subject matter has been praised for its powerful social commentary. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama
Director: Benedek Fliegauf
Actors: Franciska Töröcsik, Gyöngyi Lendvai, György Toldi, Katalin Toldi, Lajos Sárkány, Laszlo Cziffer, Zsolt Végh
Country: France, Germany, Hungary
Company: Inforg-M&M Film Kft., Paprika Films, The Post Republic
Worldwide Gross: $128,962