Just Jim
In this coming-of-age drama, a socially awkward teenager named Jim, played by Craig Roberts, finds his mundane life turned upside down when a mysterious American named Dean, portrayed by Emile Hirsch, moves in next door. Dean’s charismatic and rebellious nature draws Jim into a world of excitement and danger, challenging him to break free from his shell. The film, directed by Craig Roberts, explores themes of identity and self-discovery with a darkly comedic edge. While it didn’t receive any major awards, it offers a unique perspective on adolescence. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Drama, Thriller
Director: Craig Roberts
Actors: Aneirin Hughes, Craig Roberts, Darragh Mortell, Emile Hirsch, Helen Griffin, Mark Lewis Jones, Nia Roberts, Richard Harrington, Sai Bennett, Trystan Gravelle
Country: United Kingdom
Company: BBC Film, BBC Films, British Film Institute (BFI), Edicis