In this coming-of-age drama directed by Mischa Kamp, the story follows a teenage boy named Sieger as he navigates the complexities of friendship, identity, and first love during a summer spent training for a relay race. The film delicately explores themes of self-discovery and acceptance, capturing the emotional nuances of adolescence. With strong performances from its young cast, the movie has been praised for its authentic portrayal of youth and its sensitive handling of LGBTQ+ themes. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Mischa Kamp
Actors: Ferdi Stofmeel, Gijs Blom, Jonas Smulders, Julia Akkermans, Ko Zandvliet, Lotte Razoux Schultz, Myron Wouts, Rachelle Verdel, Stijn Taverne, Ton Kas
Country: Netherlands
Company: NTR, Pupkin Film