Jimi: All Is By My Side
This biographical drama, directed by John Ridley, delves into the transformative year in the life of legendary musician Jimi Hendrix, focusing on his rise to fame in the late 1960s. The film stars André Benjamin, also known as André 3000, who delivers a compelling performance as Hendrix, capturing the essence of the iconic guitarist’s early career and personal struggles. The narrative explores Hendrix’s journey from a backup guitarist in New York City to his breakthrough in London, highlighting his relationships and the challenges he faced in the music industry. While the film did not receive major awards, it offers an intimate look at a pivotal period in Hendrix’s life. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Biography, Drama, Music
Director: John Ridley
Actors: Amy De Bhrún, André 3000, Andrew Buckley, Burn Gorman, Hayley Atwell, Imogen Poots, Jade Yourell, Laurence Kinlan, Robbie Jarvis, Ruth Negga
Country: Ireland, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Darko Entertainment, Freeman Film, Subotica
Worldwide Gross: $599,840