Jian Bing Man
In this 2015 Chinese comedy, a down-on-his-luck actor, played by Da Peng, embarks on a journey to redeem himself and save his career after a scandal threatens to ruin him. The film features a mix of humor and heart as the protagonist navigates the challenges of the entertainment industry, with appearances by several well-known Chinese stars, including Yuan Shanshan and Ada Liu. Directed by Da Peng himself, the movie cleverly blends reality with fiction, offering a satirical take on fame and media culture. Interestingly, it became a box office success in China, showcasing Da Peng’s multifaceted talent as both a director and actor. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Da Peng
Actors: Cui Zhijia, Dong Chengpeng, Eric Tsang, Eric Tsang Chi-Wai, Liang Chao, Liu Yan, Qiao Shan, Sandra Ng Kwan-Yue, Sandra Ng Kwun-Yu, Yi Yunhe, Yuan Shanshan, Yue Yunpeng, Yunpeng Yue
Country: China
Company: New Classics Media, New Classics Pictures, Sohu
Worldwide Gross: $186,699,768