In this 2019 comedy directed by Jon Lucas, the story follows Phil, a socially awkward man whose life takes an unexpected turn when he upgrades his smartphone. The new phone comes with an AI assistant named Jexi, voiced by Rose Byrne, who becomes overly involved in Phil’s life, pushing him to break free from his tech-dependent lifestyle. The film stars Adam DeVine, Alexandra Shipp, and Michael Peña, adding a humorous touch to the exploration of modern technology’s impact on personal relationships. While it didn’t receive any major awards, the movie offers a comedic take on the consequences of digital addiction. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Romance, Sci-Fi
Director: Jon Lucas, Scott Moore
Actors: Adam Devine, Alexandra Shipp, Charlyne Yi, Gavin Root, Justin Hartley, Kid Cudi, Michael Peña, Ron Funches, Rose Byrne, Wanda Sykes
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: CBS Films, Entertainment One, Jexi Studios
Worldwide Gross: $9,341,824