Jersey Girl
This 2004 film, directed by Kevin Smith, follows the story of Ollie Trinke, a successful music publicist whose life is turned upside down by unexpected personal tragedy. Starring Ben Affleck and Liv Tyler, the narrative explores themes of family, loss, and redemption as Ollie navigates the challenges of single parenthood and career setbacks. The film also features a young Raquel Castro, who plays Ollie’s daughter, adding depth to the father-daughter dynamic. While it did not receive any major awards, it is notable for its heartfelt performances and Smith’s departure from his usual comedic style. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Kevin Smith
Actors: Ben Affleck, George Carlin, Jason Biggs, Jennifer Lopez, Jennifer Schwalbach Smith, Liv Tyler, Mike Starr, Raquel Castro, Stephen Root, Will Smith
Country: United States of America
Company: Beverly Detroit, Miramax, View Askew Productions
Worldwide Gross: $35,492,921