Jeff, Who Lives at Home
In this 2011 comedy-drama directed by Jay Duplass, the story follows Jeff, a 30-year-old man living in his mother’s basement, who embarks on a seemingly mundane errand that unexpectedly leads him on a journey of self-discovery. The film stars Jason Segel as Jeff, alongside Ed Helms and Susan Sarandon, who deliver compelling performances that explore themes of fate and family dynamics. As Jeff’s day unfolds, a series of chance encounters and coincidences challenge his perspective on life and his relationships with his family. The film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Jay Duplass, Mark Duplass
Actors: Benjamin Brant Bickham, Ed Helms, Evan Ross, Jason Segel, Judy Greer, Lee Nguyen, Matt Malloy, Rae Dawn Chong, Steve Zissis, Susan Sarandon, Tim J. Smith
Country: United States of America
Company: Blue Eyes Entertainment, Indian Paintbrush, Jeff Brothers Productions
Worldwide Gross: $4,704,757