In this psychological thriller directed by Ann Turner, the story follows Sophie Hartley, played by Susan Sarandon, who becomes increasingly convinced that her husband’s beautiful co-worker, Mara, portrayed by Emily Blunt, is stalking her. As Sophie’s paranoia escalates, she finds herself questioning her own sanity and the reality around her. The film delves into themes of obsession and trust, keeping viewers on edge as the tension builds. While it didn’t receive any major awards, the performances by Sarandon and Blunt are noteworthy. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Ann Turner
Actors: Charles Tingwell, Emily Blunt, Georgie Parker, Joanna Hunt-Prokhovnik, Joelene Crnogorac, Lauren Mikkor, Sam Neill, Susan Sarandon, Terry Norris, William McInnes
Country: Australia
Company: Baker Street, Cascade Films, Film Finance