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This heartwarming comedy-drama follows the life of Valentin, a carefree playboy living in Acapulco, whose life takes an unexpected turn when a former fling leaves a baby girl on his doorstep. As Valentin raises the child, Maggie, he discovers the joys and challenges of fatherhood, leading to a profound transformation in his life. The film stars Eugenio Derbez, who also directed the movie, and showcases his comedic and dramatic talents. Notably, the film became the highest-grossing Spanish-language film in the United States at the time of its release. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Eugenio Derbez
Actors: Agustín Bernal, Arcelia Ramírez, Ari Brickman, Daniel Raymont, Eugenio Derbez, Hugo Stiglitz, Jessica Lindsey, Karla Souza, Loreto Peralta, Roger Cudney
Country: Mexico
Company: Alebrije Cine y Video, Fulano, Mengano y Asociados
Worldwide Gross: $100,502,638