“Inkubus” unfolds the tale of a skeleton crew working their last shift at a police station on the brink of demolition. The night takes a horrific twist when the demon Inkubus strolls into the station, carrying the severed head of a murdered girl. Inkubus plays with the crew, allowing himself to be captured, and begins to boastfully recount his long history of crimes, some of which date back to the Middle Ages. His motive? Inkubus has unfinished business with a detective who nearly captured him thirteen years prior. To their horror, the officers find themselves entangled in Inkubus’ gruesome masterpiece of murder, bloodshed, and chaos. They come to the grim realization that it’s his world, and they are merely victims within it. Written by Anonymous (
Views: 3
Genre: Horror
Director: Glenn Ciano
Actors: Dyan Kane, Jessica Conlan, Joey Fatone, Jonathan Silverman, Kevin DeCristofano, Mike Cerrone, Nicholas John Bilotta, Robert Englund, Tom DeNucci, William Forsythe
Country: United States of America
Company: Woodhaven Production Company
Worldwide Gross: $81,600