Ingrid Goes West
A dark comedy-drama directed by Matt Spicer, this film explores the unsettling world of social media obsession through the eyes of Ingrid Thorburn, played by Aubrey Plaza. Ingrid, a troubled young woman, becomes fixated on a social media influencer named Taylor Sloane, portrayed by Elizabeth Olsen, and moves to Los Angeles to befriend her. The film delves into themes of identity, loneliness, and the blurred lines between online personas and reality. It received critical acclaim for its sharp satire and was awarded the Waldo Salt Screenwriting Award at the Sundance Film Festival. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Matt Spicer
Actors: Andrew Horschak, Angelica Amor, Aubrey Plaza, Billy Magnussen, Charlie Wright, Dennis Atlas, Destiny Soria, Elizabeth Olsen, Hannah Pearl Utt, Jana Ritter, Jay Weingarten, Joseph Breen, Luis Deveze, Malika Williams, Megan Griffey, Meredith Hagner, O'Shea Jackson Jr., Pom Klementieff, Tina Lorraine, Vincent van Hinte, Wyatt Russell
Country: United States of America
Company: 141 Entertainment, Bluebush Productions, Mighty Engine, Star Thrower Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $3,146,831