Incident in a Ghost Land
In this intense horror-thriller directed by Pascal Laugier, a mother and her two daughters face a terrifying ordeal when they inherit a house with a dark past. The film explores themes of trauma and survival as the family confronts their worst nightmares. Starring Crystal Reed and Anastasia Phillips, the narrative unfolds with unexpected twists that keep viewers on edge. While the movie did not receive major awards, it has garnered attention for its chilling atmosphere and psychological depth. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 2
Genre: Drama, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Pascal Laugier
Actors: Adam Hurtig, Alicia Johnston, Anastasia Phillips, Crystal Reed, Emilia Jones, Erik Athavale, Kevin Power, Mylène Farmer, Rob Archer, Taylor Hickson
Company: 5656 Films, Logical Pictures, Mars Films
Worldwide Gross: $5,620,406