In Their Skin
In this tense psychological thriller, a grieving family retreats to their secluded vacation home, seeking solace after a tragic loss. Their peace is shattered when they encounter a seemingly friendly but increasingly unsettling neighboring family. As the night unfolds, the true intentions of their neighbors become horrifyingly clear, leading to a chilling battle for survival. The film stars Selma Blair and Joshua Close, delivering gripping performances that heighten the suspense. Directed by Jeremy Power Regimbal, this movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Director: Jeremy Power Regimbal
Actors: Alex Ferris, Brett Delaney, James D'Arcy, Joshua Close, Leanne Adachi, Matt Bellefleur, Quinn Lord, Rachel Miner, Selma Blair, Terence Kelly
Country: Canada
Company: Sepia Films, Studio Movement Entertainment, Téléfilm Canada
Worldwide Gross: $106,919