In the Family
In the small town of Martin, Tennessee, six-year-old Chip Hines has grown up with his two fathers, Cody and Joey, enjoying a happy life. However, their world is turned upside down when Cody tragically dies in a car accident, leaving Joey and Chip struggling to regain their balance. Just as they start to adjust, Cody’s will reveals that he appointed his sister as Chip’s guardian. This decision unravels the years of acceptance Joey had built within the family, as Chip is taken from him. Alone at home, Joey seeks a way forward. Although the law is not in his favor, he finds support from friends. With their encouragement and the cherished memories of Cody, Joey discovers a way to make peace with the family and reconnect with his son.
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Director: Patrick Wang
Actors: Conan McCarty, Georgie DeNoto, Harriett D. Foy, Lisa Altomare, Patrick Wang, Peter Hermann, Sebastian Banes, Susan Kellermann, Trevor St. John, Zachary Sayle
Country: United States of America
Company: In the Family
Worldwide Gross: $101,934