In this satirical science fiction comedy directed by Mike Judge, an average man named Joe Bauers, played by Luke Wilson, is selected for a top-secret hibernation program. However, he awakens 500 years in the future to find a society so dumbed down that he is now the smartest person alive. The film explores themes of societal decay and the consequences of anti-intellectualism with a humorous twist. Although it did not receive any major awards, it has gained a cult following for its sharp commentary and unique premise. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Mike Judge
Actors: Adam Langley, Andrew Rice, Andrew Wilson, Angela Ware, Anthony 'Citric' Campos, Ava Knighten Santana, Beth Gosnell, Brendan Hill, Brenna Rivas, Caitlin Wehrle, Chris Warner, Christopher James Thompson, Christopher M. Campos, Christopher Rogers, Christopher Ryan, Curtis Wayne, Dan Murphy, Dan'l Terry, Daniel Smith, Danny Cochran, Darlene Hunt, David Herman, Dax Shepard, Derek Southers, Earl Mann, Eli Muñoz, Erik Anderson, Evan Miller, Evelyn Hurley, Gary Teague, Gene Cervenka, Glori Renee Euwer, Greg Pitts, Gregory Kelly, Heath Allyn, Heath Jones, Heath Young, Heather Kafka, Jack Cruz, James Moreno, Jason Bohn, Jason Konopisos, Jason Schaefer, Javier Merida, Jennifer Roxanne Vasquez, Jesse Medeles, Jimmy Willden, Joanna Gallagher, John Dodson, Joseph Cheatham, Justin Long, Kati Sharp, Kevin Cacy, Kevin Klee, Kevin McAfee, Kristoffer Kjornes, Lainie Safady, Lawrence Castillo, Leila Plummer, Lidia Porto, Lonnie Nelson, Luke Wilson, Manuel Cantu, Marcos Martinez Rios, Mark Tuner, Matthew E.G. Jones, Max Kruemcke, Maya Rudolph, Melissa Dawn, Melissa Espinales, Melissa Sweet, Michael McCafferty, Michael Sorrells, Mitch Baker, Owen Hisle, Patrick Fischler, Peter Cornwell, R.C. Keene, Rajiv Patel, Randal Reeder, Ray L. Perez, Richard Reeder, Ricky Cavazos, Robert Musgrave, Roman Ramos, Ruben Gonzales, Ryan Christopher, Ryan Ransdell, Samantha Inoue-Harte, Santiago Villalobos, Sara Rue, Scarface, Sonny Castillo, Stephen Root, Steve Powers, T.J. McFarland, Terry Crews, Thomas Haden Church, Turk Pipkin, Valerie Posas, Wes Davis
Country: United States of America
Company: Bluebush Productions, Major Studio Partners, Ternion Pictures, Twentieth Century Fox
Worldwide Gross: $495,652