I See You
In this gripping thriller directed by Adam Randall, a small-town detective, played by Jon Tenney, investigates the mysterious disappearance of a young boy. As the investigation unfolds, unsettling occurrences begin to plague the detective’s family, particularly affecting his wife, portrayed by Helen Hunt. The film skillfully intertwines elements of suspense and psychological drama, keeping viewers on edge with its unexpected twists. While it hasn’t garnered major awards, its unique narrative structure and atmospheric tension have been praised. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 6
Genre: Drama, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Adam Randall
Actors: Adam Kern, Allison Gabriel, Allison King, Erika Alexander, Gregory Alan Williams, Helen Hunt, Jeremy Gladen, Jon Tenney, Judah Lewis, Libe Barer, Owen Teague, Riley Caya, Sam Trammell
Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Head Gear Films, Kreo Films FZ, Metrol Technology
Worldwide Gross: $1,194,369