I Love Your Work
In this psychological drama directed by Adam Goldberg, the film delves into the life of a successful actor, played by Giovanni Ribisi, who becomes increasingly disillusioned with his fame and personal relationships. As his paranoia and obsession with a young fan grow, the lines between reality and fantasy blur, leading to a gripping exploration of identity and celebrity culture. The movie features a strong supporting cast, including Christina Ricci and Jason Lee, adding depth to the narrative. While it didn’t receive any major awards, its introspective take on the dark side of fame is noteworthy. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 7
Director: Adam Goldberg
Actors: Christina Ricci, Giovanni Ribisi, Jared Harris, Jason Lee, Joshua Jackson, Judy Greer, Marisa Coughlan, Nicky Katt, Shalom Harlow, Vince Vaughn
Country: United States of America
Company: Cyan Pictures, Departure Entertainment, Departure Studios
Worldwide Gross: $3,264