I Can Speak
In this 2017 South Korean film directed by Hyun-seok Kim, the story follows an elderly woman, played by Na Moon-hee, who persistently files complaints at her local district office. Her life takes a turn when she meets a young civil servant, portrayed by Lee Je-hoon, who reluctantly becomes her English tutor. As their relationship develops, deeper themes of justice and historical truth emerge, revealing the woman’s poignant past. The film received critical acclaim for its heartfelt performances and was awarded the Best Actress award for Na Moon-hee at the Blue Dragon Film Awards. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Kim Hyun-seok
Actors: Jeong Yeon-joo, Kim So-jin, Lee Je-hoon, Lee Ji-hoon, Lee Ji-hun, Lee Sang-hee, Na Moon-hee, Park Cheol-min, Park Chul-min, Seong Yu-bin, Son Sook, Yeom Hye-ran
Country: South Korea
Company: Echelon Productions, Inc., Myung Films, Seesun Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $24,024,444